MillTech is the most salesman friendly lumber inventory sales system available. The integrated order entry modules consists of Purchases, Order Entr, Invoicing and optionally Accounts Receivable.
Documents are easily created from customer or supplier codes with a simple right-click. All significant information including ship to, funds, etc. are automatically brought over. Do a save as with an old order to start a new order...cuts down on data entry time and errors. Every document features easy to read online help ensuring quick answers at your fingertips.

Purchase Orders
Accurately track purchases from your suppliers including product information and charges. Easily turn the Purchase into a Receiving, Log Entry or back-to-back Sales Order depending on your business flow. Access easy-to-use popup supplier and product history information right in the purchase entry screen.
Produce Invoices by a simple right click from your Shipping or Sales Order documents. Fax, email or create a PDF of your invoice and send it directly to your customer without leaving the MillTech system. Auto calculates freight, discounts and taxes.
Sales Orders
So easy to use you can have your salesman enter his / her own orders, saving you time and money. Effortlessly turn the Sales Order into a Shipment or Invoice to speed data entry. Access easy-to-use popup customer, product, net-available and price history without leaving the order.
Along with complete customization of all forms and reports, MillTech is very flexible with program customization ensuring your critical information is captured. Interface ready: MillTech can custom build an interface to your favorite accounting package.